Saturday 22 December 2012


New legislation for ‘Persons with Reduced Mobility’

New legislation for Persons with Reduced Mobility, to prevent discrimination and to provide suitable assistance, is coming into effect on 18 December 2012 and Regent Seven Seas Cruises has responded with a change to its booking procedure.

Committed to providing clients with the assistance they require, the cruise line says, "Under the new legislation our responsibility for persons with reduced mobility applies to all passengers who travel from the UK to any EU state, or disembark in the UK or any EU member state.

To ensure we are compliant with the new Reduced Mobility legislation, when dealing with guests with Reduced Mobility we have introduced an additional step in our booking process. Reduced mobility guests requesting assistance will be sent our new checklist for completion. Once we have received the completed check list, we will decide, based on the information provided, if we can safely carry the passenger and still meet the required safety regulations. If we are unable to carry the passenger safely, we will put our reasons for this in writing within 5 working days."

This new checklist will be introduced with immediate effect for all new bookings. Existing bookings travelling after 18 December 2012 have already received the check list.

Queries in relation to the new booking process for clients with Reduced Mobility should be directed to the Reservations Team on 023 8068 2280.

MTB 22/12/2012

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