Sunday 21 April 2013


The opening of a brand new airport facility (which took place on April 17th) provides the backdrop for the formal launch of an eye-catching new safety campaign.

Within the last few weeks, passengers have begun to use a state-of-the-art consolidated car rental centre near the airport terminal, freeing up vital space within the main building for future development and providing a brand new facility for the 80,000 people that rent a car each year at Aberdeen International Airport.

That centre has now been given its official opening.

At the same time a new campaign called “Play the Clown, Pay the Price” went live - the result of a unique collaboration between Aberdeen International Airport, RGU and a group of Aberdeen design and marketing agencies.

They worked together to find a new way of addressing the age-old question, “how do we keep health and safety alive?” Following a competition process, the clown campaign is being adopted by a number of companies across the area. Some of the winning artwork will be on show within the car rental facility at the opening, and the event will be attended by a number of the companies who have already committed to showing the campaign.

It is available free of charge to anyone interested in taking health and safety promotion one step further. The campaign has elements which will be of just as much relevance in an airport or any other dynamic operational environment as it will on a construction site, an oil platform, in a school, an office or to the general public.

Aldrich Blignaut is the airport Head of Health and Safety. He said: “H&S can often get a bad press, and I believe this campaign has the ability to change all that. We want people to start thinking about safety in a fresh new way. Whilst it is clearly of paramount importance across the airport campus, this campaign will look just as at home in a cross-section of industries.”

Roger Hunt is the Operations Director at Aberdeen International Airport and will be speaking at the launch event. He said “Holding the safety campaign launch in our new facility is a great fit. Both of these initiatives have provided us with yet another opportunity to work in partnership with a range of valued stakeholders.

“As a result of this approach we have delivered a successful build on the car rental centre, completed safely, within both timescale and budget. It is through this partnership that we have also been in a position to champion such a unique safety programme, which I believe has the ability to really make people think about the important part they play in their own safety and that of people around them.

The new car rental centre is situated within the car rental car-park. The old desks within the terminal are set to be removed to expand the floor space for future development.

The safety campaign packs can be viewed online at

DB 21/04/2013

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