Saturday 24 August 2013


Aberdeen International Airport has become the first airport in the UK to receive a prestigious award for putting the customer first.

The team has been awarded ‘Customer First’ accreditation – seen as the national standard for excellence in Customer Service. It demonstrates that customers are at the heart of the operation, and is recognition of the delivery of the customer charter.

The team now joins an elite group of companies, including the Princes Trust and the Nelson Mandela Museum, to proudly display the official accreditation, and were fully accredited at the first attempt, which in itself is unusual.

Roger Hunt is the Airports Operations Director. He said “This result is thanks to everyone across all our teams who contribute each day to the customer experience. The assessor commended a number of elements that made our application so convincing. He complimented the way the charter was created, based on staff and customer opinions and created from the ground up. The ability of staff to proactively identify examples of good customer service also helped in his ultimate decision.

“We recongise that this is by no means ‘job-done’ and the process of delivering good customer service is an on-going one. This confirms that we created and launched the charter in a unique and effective way, and from now we need to keep building on this success.”

Mike Wildey is the assessor responsible for the airport application. He was delighted with what he saw in Aberdeen. “In the many years I have been assessing organisations against the Customer First standard, Aberdeen International Airport provided the best example I have seen of a meaningful Customer Charter. It has been developed by establishing what customers and employees value and making a commitment to deliver. It is not just a series of statements, but a way of working that is providing measurable and positive results.”

The full charter can be read at, where you can download a full copy.

You can read more about Customer First at

MTB 24/08/13

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